The staff of the Office of Student Affairs will be happy to advise you on how you can complete the study despite health or psychological impairments. Together we will find a way!
Contact persons
Susan Lipp:
Leoni Adams:
Furthermore, we very much hope that you can be with people in
your immediate surroundings with whom you can have a trusting and
appreciative exchange and with whom you can share your concerns.
Experienced feelings such as anxiety, malaise, depression, loneliness or
simply sadness are to be taken very seriously. We would like to try to
deal with them in a respectful manner.
teachers of all departments are available to answer all questions. We
can, however, understand if you wish to exchange information in a
trusting manner.
The StudierendenWERK BERLIN offers free professional psychosocial counselling for all students of Weissensee:
Rena Onat - our women's representative - will also advise you
on these issues: discrimination, gender justice and equal opportunities.
Here you can find the account details:
The Berliner Krisendienst is available all day and all night
Reasons for a crisis can be: acute emotional distress
situations, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental illness,
separation/loss, anxiety/panic, addiction, family and couple conflicts,
mental and/or physical disability, traumatic experiences, mental
The nine regional locations of the
open daily from 4 p.m. - midnight (including holidays).
On weekdays from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., telephone information and referral only: 390 63 00.
Counselling centres for women Frieda Counselling Centre for Women
Proskauer Strasse 7
10247 Berlin - Friedrichshain
030/422 - 4276
Anti-whaling and anti-discrimination section of the Lesbenberatung Berlin e.V.
Victim support Berlin / Counselling centre
Oldenburger Str. 38
10551 Berlin - Moabit
Social psychiatric counseling is available here in all districts:
The OPRA Psychological Counselling Centre also offers psychological
counselling and trauma counselling in times of COVID-19 for victims of
right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence and their relatives and witnesses. Due to the restrictions, we currently offer our counselling by telephone or video support.
Possible consultation languages are German, English and French.
Please leave us a message on the answering machine: 030 92 21 82 41
or by mail:, they will call you back.
ReachOut, the Berlin counselling centre for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence and threats,
also continues to offer legal and social counselling and support for
victims, their relatives and witnesses. The counselling is carried out
by telephone or video support.
Reach Out counselling telephone number : 0175-5447567, 0152-15289788, 0152-213371004
At this point, Reach Out would like to address its counselling services
especially to people who are affected by racist or right-wing violence
in the context of COVID-19 because of their Asian-read appearance. If
people are currently perceived as threatening or even guilty of COVID-19
because of their ethnicity or appearance and are attacked because of
this, it is racist. Because: The Corona Virus does not recognise
nationality/skin colour/ethnicity/religion.
"Violence against women" help line
by phone (24h, free of charge)
08000 116 016
Parents' phone (for parents in stressful situations)
by phone (free of charge)
0800 111 0 550
Online counselling by self-help activists for people with anxiety disorders
online via website (free of charge)
Depression Info-Phone
by phone (free of charge)
0800 3344533
HelloBetter Hotline
Advice on mental stress in the corona crisis situation (through psychologists and psychotherapists)
by phone (free of charge)
Video consultation hours after registration by mail (see website)
Phone +49 (0) 800 00095 54
Mon-Sun, each from 09-18
Video clinic:
Facebook group: at home
TransVer - Psychosocial Resource Network (counselling for
people with a migration history of mental health problems, their friends
and relatives about possible help and support)
by phone (connection costs)
Phone 030 / 209 69 04 - 0
by mail
Victim phone (explicitly also for violence against men)
by phone (free of charge)
116 006
Sexual abuse help line
by telephone (free of charge)
0800 22 55 530
There is also the possibility to talk to people who offer voluntary talks. This includes, among others, the telephone counselling service (also in chat format: ). is a service offered by Berlin students who offer telephone conversations on Tuesdays and Thursdays at night (20:30 to 24:00).
Text and composition of
Prof. Ulf Aminde and Susan Lipp
modified at 3.1.2021